Friday, July 24, 2009

Oncourse "Refresher"

Go to:

To Take Attendance:
• Click on the “Attendance” tab at the top of the screen.
• Select the class you are taking attendance for.
• Use the drop down box to select the type of absence. The student will be marked as present until you change it.

To Use Gradebook:
• To add a category, such as “Math Classwork” or “Reading Tests”, click on “Add Category”. Add a category in the “Category Name” box. You can also add a description of what assignments the category will contain.
• To set a weight percentage to your categories, change the grading method at the top of the page to “Weight Based”. Make sure if you do weight based that your categories total 100%.
• To add an assignment, title the assignment, and choose which category it will go into. You can give a weight to an assignment or allow it to be averaged evenly with the other assignments in the category. You can also add it to other classes by putting a check next to the classes you want it to be added to.
• Be cautious of using the “Extra Credit” option, because it may elevate grades too much. You may want to add extra credit assignments to the category to which they pertain.