Friday, July 24, 2009

Oncourse "Refresher"

Go to:

To Take Attendance:
• Click on the “Attendance” tab at the top of the screen.
• Select the class you are taking attendance for.
• Use the drop down box to select the type of absence. The student will be marked as present until you change it.

To Use Gradebook:
• To add a category, such as “Math Classwork” or “Reading Tests”, click on “Add Category”. Add a category in the “Category Name” box. You can also add a description of what assignments the category will contain.
• To set a weight percentage to your categories, change the grading method at the top of the page to “Weight Based”. Make sure if you do weight based that your categories total 100%.
• To add an assignment, title the assignment, and choose which category it will go into. You can give a weight to an assignment or allow it to be averaged evenly with the other assignments in the category. You can also add it to other classes by putting a check next to the classes you want it to be added to.
• Be cautious of using the “Extra Credit” option, because it may elevate grades too much. You may want to add extra credit assignments to the category to which they pertain.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Why is Rebooting SO Effective?

Occasionally, our Macs don't work exactly as we expect. Before you start to worry, the best course of action is to try rebooting. Rebooting fixes many problems , because it resets everything on your computer from your wireless connection to your applications. For example, sometimes your network connection may have timed out and rebooting simply restores it. This has always worked for me when my network connection stops working.

To reboot, you can quickly press the power button, which will caue a pop-up to appear that asks you if you would like to restart your computer. Also, you can click on the apple and choose "Restart". I hope this helps you to enjoy your Mac even more, and to beat those little hiccups along the way.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Teacher Lingo

Hi everyone! I hope you are enjoying your Macs and have found many uses in your classroom. This post is about a website called "Teacher Lingo". It was mentioned in the latest issue of InTech Tips from Duval County, and it is a great website that allows teachers to connect and share ideas with peers. If you find yourself struggling to come up with an idea for a unit or you want to find other teachers who are in a similar teaching situation, this may be a great resource for you. As teachers, it is important to grow professionally, and this website may help give you ideas to make your classroom an even better learning community!

The website is:

Have fun in this safe and helpful community of teachers!